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Sunday 8 January 2012

What do I want from my diet?

"Pay attention to the negative effects that your current diet and lifestyle have on your body, moods and energy levels. Start a journal recording what you eat and drink throughout the day and how you feel as a result. When you start making positive changes to your diet, you'll appreciate all of the results--not just the weight loss." -Skinny Bitch


I first read Skinny Bitch back in 2008 and swore I would never eat animal products again. Well, life happened and I forgot about how deeply moved I was when reading the book. Over the next 3 years I would switch back and forth from an old fashioned flesh eating diet, to a vegetarian diet, to a pescitarian diet, to periods of raw foods and cleanses...but I could never commit, I could never seem to stay on track. I never knew exactly what I wanted out of my diet.

Over the past year, really the past 6 months, I have thought increasingly about what kinds of foods and food sources I REALLY feel comfortable eating. It is easy to eat a piece of chicken if you don't think about what the food source actually is or what kind of life that chicken endured to end up on your plate.

I educated myself. It is hard to do, but necessary.

I was able to regain that passion that I first felt when I read Skinny Bitch years ago. I watched several documentaries including Earthlings, Forks over Knives and Food Inc. I've read so many books that I have taught me so much about health and nutrition and how important our diet is to our overall wellbeing.

I want health. I want radiance. I want to live a life that is peaceful and free from animals and the fear they bear for the sake of human consumption.

My goal for the upcoming week is to introduce more raw foods into my daily diet. This will include big salads with lots of raw veggies, more fruit and I might even bust out my old juicer and give it a whirl!

Monday 2 January 2012


I'm sitting here wondering, why did I start this blog? What purpose do I intend it to serve? I don't think there is going to be any great impact created by me blogging to anyone but myself. Who knows if anyone will even stumble upon this and take the time to read my posts. I intend only to find a home for my thoughts and experiences as I journey towards a life that is better for the animals, better for the planet and better for my own health. 

Now that we've officially entered the New Year I feel like I have the opportunity to set goals (not resolutions because honestly, who keeps those) for the coming months...and maybe the coming years? I've been thinking a lot about what I want from life, and what I want to use my life to do. The past few years have been a turbulent mess of unhealthy habits, broken relationships and self-doubt. 

I've wasted far too many years worrying about things that I can't change and looking past the things I can. In the past year alone I have accomplished some really amazing personal goals including graduation from University, backpacking through Europe and scoring an awesome 'big-girl' job. Rather than relishing in my achievements and being proud of my accomplishments, I tend to instantly pick out the wrongs or the flaws of my own situations. I want to learn to appreciate myself and my accomplishments.

That is goal number one.

Unhealthy eating habits have haunted me for too long. While I won't go into deal just yet, I know that the habits surrounding the role food plays in my life is far from healthy (or sane). Food become the enemy too young in my life and created a tailspin of nightmarish habits. I want to learn to be free of my demons and find peace with food. I also want my food to be peaceful and I have vowed to myself, and to the animals of this earth, to follow a diet based around plants, peace and love (hence the title of this blog). 

This is goal number two.

Despite my unwillingness to appreciate all that life has given me in the past, I know that I have been given so much and I want to give back to the planet and all those I share it with. My deep love for animals gives me strength and I want to find a way to give back to the beautiful creatures that humans so selfishly take from. 

This is goal number three.

I will be updating (hopefully) daily as I carve out a new place in this world and move closer to achieving my goals of health and happiness. Stay Tuned. 

The documentary and journal entry that changed it all.

Written on December 21, 2011 after watching the documentary EARTHLINGS. Whenever I doubt my diet, or really, REALLY want a piece of cheese, I read this entry and remember EXACTLY why I follow a plant-based diet. I remember exactly how I felt watching Earthlings and how I vowed to change my life as a result.
I feel guilty, helpless, disgusted, sick, heartbroken, shattered and ashamed. I’ve just finished watching the documentary EARTHLINGS which showcases the abuse, neglect and suffering that humans inflict on helpless animals every minute, every day. Year after year, all for the sake of food, entertainment and clothing. I literally can’t even comprehend my emotions right now. I get it. I finally get it. I had my UH HUH moment! I am so ashamed to be part of the human species right now that can create this awful, vain existence for the beautiful creatures of this planet. To be honest , I did not expect to be THIS shocked after watching the film. I have already exposed myself to the cruel welfare that animals endure for the sake of human wants. I have read a number of books and articles and watched similar documentaries about this same issue, but never, NEVER before have I had to fully bare witness to the disgusting, inhumane hell that these animals endure. Seeing it really is believing it and I can’t pretend that I haven’t seen it now and turn my back. I will not turn a blind eye. I must accept the responsibility and the role that I play in this disaster. By purchasing and consuming ANY animal products, I am literally killing them with my own hands. I won’t do it. I won’t play a part in this animal holocaust any longer. I’m moving 100% to a plant-based diet. I don’t care about my health, or my weight or what anybody says. I don’t want the animals to suffer and I refuse to play a part in it. I may never eat tasty food again but I don’t care. I will not be a senseless murderer.